A presentation by Dr. Greg Liverman Fountain Library, 230 South Main St. Fountain, CO 80817 Thu. April 6, 2017 7 - 8:30 p.m. Humans have a burning need to know “where did I come from?” Some of us want to trace our ancestry to discover how close we are to inheriting the crown of England. Others want to know our ethnic background and how we came to possess our own unique combination of inherited traits.
Many of those answers can be obtained by looking inward at our own DNA. Markers in our DNA can tell us both who our specific forebears were as well as tell us what groups we belong to. It can give us clues and indicators about where our ancestors lived hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of years ago. This presentation will discuss how scientists are using DNA testing on a massive scale to uncover the paths humans took as they populated the globe and how we can participate. Comments are closed.
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