Book Antiqua 14; centered; title case. Do not bold or italicize. Author Your name (no titles, or credentials). Book Antiqua 12; centered. Do not bold or italicize. Text Book Antiqua 11; single-spaced; align text to left; one space (not two) after a period; two hard returns at end of each paragraph and between title, author and text. Do not indent. Header/Footer Page Numbers Do not use headers/footers or page numbers. Inset Quote Do not block/inset quotes. Use “double quote marks.” Periods go inside the “close quote.” Do not start, or end, quotes with ellipses (. . .) Subheads Book Antiqua 11; align left; bold, no space after, not indented. Biography A paragraph about you. Your biography can include education, employment, publications, or other accomplishments relevant to the subject about which you are writing. The paragraph should begin with your name and be between 80 and 100 words. Endnotes (see examples) Endnotes must be inserted, and automatically numbered, by the word processing software. Do not manually add notes. Insert note numbers at the end of sentences and/or paragraphs. Do not use ibid. Repeated citations will be revised to “ibid” in the editing process. Use Internet sources (URLs) sparingly—always cite the printed source if one exists. URLs must be valid. Always include an accessed on date. Notes must follow A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed. by Kate Turabian. Comments are closed.
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April 2014